Sunday, 17 November 2013

My dissertation was accepted for defence!

Hello all,
I know I've often complained about work and how it has delayed the much more important aspect of life (painting miniatures), and some of you have been kind enough to ask and lament along with me but today I finally got word that my dissertation has been approved for defence and with the following (for the scholarly world) praise:
The work undoubtedly represents a significant advancement of our understanding of the figure, leading international research on this complex and multifaceted tradition in a new promising direction. The assessment of the work in general is positive, and the committee is in no doubt that the work is well qualified for being accepted for defence."

I am pretty darn happy - seems the professors did not consider my four years of hard labour completely wasted :-).
Just wanted to share the news with you and explain how and why there might be a lot more painted figures and battle reports coming shortly :-)
All the best,


  1. Congrats - what's the topic again?

    1. Thanks guys, the subject was the development of a single figure from the Hebrew Bible tracked through more than forty texts (Qumran, New Testament, Nag Hammadi, etc.) and an assessment of why it was chosen and expanded in the ways it was. Pretty fun and nerdy :-).
      All the best,

  2. Well done on your achievement Kasper!!

  3. Well done Kasper!

    I submitted my PhD thesis on the 6th of this month. I guess there is something about historical gaming in 10mm and subjecting yourself to 4 years of hard study!! ;)


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