Friday 29 March 2013

80.000 hits! Fapoleon Salutes You!

Hello all,
Amazingly, the blog hit counter passed 80.000 visitors yesterday. 
I would like to thank all the visitors and followers who contributed to this stunning number. I know the blog is silent at the moment, but everything will be better in a few months, so please keep checking for updates! In the meantime, Fapoleon salutes all the brave visitors to this blog:

Fapoleon Napoleon Blog war armies
Heh, couldn't resist not using that brilliant picture for something :-).

Again, thansk for sticking with the blog while I keep working towards submitting my Ph.d., it is taking forever but the deadline is rapidly approaching....

All the best,

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Using Games Workshop Liquid Green Stuff

Hello all,
Although the Zombicide miniatures are brilliant sculpts they, like all other plastics, suffer from the occasional hole or damaged area. I bought some of Games Workshops Liquid Green Stuff and gave it a go to see if it could fix the problem. The stuff is really thick gooey solution of Green Stuff (watered down) and seems to work excellent.
The test candidate was Nick the Cop - who seems to have suffered a bullet wound to the leg.

Zombicide Green Stuff Games Workshop Nick Cop
A dab of the thick geen stuff (using an old and soon to die brush) just before applying it.

Zombicide Green Stuff Games Workshop Nick Cop

And viola! The damaged part is no more. The Green Stuff dries quickly and leaves no marks, in fact it turns out completely smooth.

Zombicide Green Stuff Games Workshop Nick Cop

Now this is the same as I used to do many moons ago with watered down green stuff, so I was not surprised it would work, but this is so much easier. Instead of having to get out a blob of green stuff and getting it to the right substance, here you just pop open the lid and a few seconds later the job is finished.

Not bad, Games Workshop.

All the best,

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Busty Barbarian Bimbos!

Hello all,
While I've been busy F5-ing the Zombicide Kickstarter 2.0 page, 
I noticed another project that is in the process of getting funded. 
The title is brilliant: Busty Barbarian Bimbos!

 They describe it as: A lighthearted fantasy roleplaying game 
wherein the players take on the role of the pin-up girls from fantasy artwork
Busty Barbarian Bimbos!
Busty Barbarian Bimbos!
 While I'm not going to support it myself, I think you should check it out, 
if for no other reason than the brilliant name :-).

Great fun,

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