Friday 25 October 2013

A new fouling-boot for Mr. Mummy

Hello all,
Among my big box of old minis I happened upon an old mummy Blood Bowl player. We all know how easy mummies are to paint so I figured this would be a fun mini to start with. Unfortunately, it turns out that I, somewhere fifteen-twenty years ago urgently needed a mummy foot. And a mummy arm.
I have no idea for what, but Mr. Mummy has had to live with the consequences ever since. No doubt bullied by the other, more complete, unpainted miniatures.

So, I've made him a new boot from Play-Doh and superglue, as I have no fancy green-stuff available...
I hope it will look alright once the paint and blood has done their bit to camouflage the injury and crappy 60-second repair job:

Mummy, Games, Workshop, Blood Bowl, Conversion, clay-do, Play-doh

Not sure what to do about the arm. for some reason I'm inclined to make a tentacle for him. In the end I couldn't make up my mind and have decided to leave it be (a casualty of some Big Guy) and see what turns up in the bits box.

Mummy, Games, Workshop, Blood Bowl, Conversion, clay-do, Play-doh

All the best,

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Help - Consortium Universe Miniatures and their "Daemonette"?

Hello all,
While trawling the Net for Daemonettes, I happened upon this miniature:

Daemonette, alternative, Realm of Chaos, Consortium, Universe, Quimera

The brilliant paintjob is by Giraldez, and is a fine "tribute" to the Classic Realm of Chaos Daemonettes. 

Unfortunately I can find little information on the miniature (for some reason called a Quimera), 
nor the company which produced it, Consortium Univers.
If you happen to know who sells this mini today or whatever happened to Consortium, 
I would love to know.

All the best,

Sunday 20 October 2013

Orctober IIIa: Prince August 25mm Goblin

Hello all,
In the big ol' pile of lead-box, was a small Goblin that was begging to be painted. Not a brilliant sculpt by any measure, it was a quick mini to paint and the stone club was fun.
Anyone know who manufactured this goblin? I was surprised at the speed with which you guys managed to identify my mystery dwarfs, so I'm hoping someone might have the information on this little stone age goblin.
It is probably from the late eighties, but apart from that I have no idea. The sculpt is bad, very few details and most had to be painted on. Looks a bit like a "home-made" miniature?

EDIT: Thanks to the help of Leif Ericsson, this mini turns out to be a homemade sculpt from one of Prince August's sculpts; the 25mm Goblin mold. The interesting thing is that I have painted it in almost the exact same colours - some 25 years after :-).
I still have no recollection of purchasing the mini - but I seem to recall there was a chap at my local gaming club who molded his own, so perhaps he was kind enough to give me one?

Goblin, painted, mystery, stone club, Pricne, August, Mold, Goblin
But it painted up al right and was a fun little exercise :-)

Goblin, painted, mystery, stone club, Pricne, August, Mold, Goblin

Goblin, painted, mystery, stone club, Pricne, August, Mold, Goblin

All the best,

Friday 18 October 2013

October III: Two more Heroquest orcs

Hello all,
While my sons were painting their orcs, I managed to grab a few for myself and decided to experiment a bit with alternative skin colours. I've recently seen some spiffing yellow orcs and wanted to try this out.
The results were ok - paint wise it worked, I think, but they have lost that iconic orciness. But for fifteen minutes of actual painting time per mini, I'm pretty satisfied with the two (who must eb brothers, right?).
Anyways, allow me to introduce my own mr. yellow and his best friend mr. pale:

Orc, Heroquest, paint, yellow, skin, orctober

The chap on the left was painted with a mix of half yellow and half Vallejo flesh, while the other was given a pure Vallejo flesh base (using this easy painting skin guide).

All the best,

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Orctober IIa: Tzeentchian Orc and a Daemonette Blood Bowl team?

Hello folks,
As I recently rediscovered nine old daemonettes, I've been wondering how to go about painting them once they leave the paintstripperjar. I have in mind to paint them as linemen for a not-Dark Elf Blood Bowl team and supplement them with some of the more recent daemonettes as Witch Elves and blitzers.
So, this unfortunate Hero Quest Orc had to serve as a test for the paint scheme. The horror - a pinkish orc:

Heroquest, orc, pink, purple, tzeentch, Blood Bowl, paint

Anyways, although the pictures does not really show it, I think this is one of the best minis I've ever painted, especially considering the model :-). I think the colour scheme (stolen or inspired by James Wappel's excellent daemonettes) will work fine for the daemonettes. Now I only need to find a suitable team clothing colour scheme...
More pictures for further reference - for some reason they have a greenish tone, must get a better lightbulb :-):

Heroquest, orc, pink, purple, tzeentch, Blood Bowl, paint

Heroquest, orc, pink, purple, tzeentch, Blood Bowl, paint Heroquest, orc, pink, purple, tzeentch, Blood Bowl, paint

Heroquest, orc, pink, purple, tzeentch, Blood Bowl, paint

Heroquest, orc, pink, purple, tzeentch, Blood Bowl, paint

Anyways, thanks for reading - if you found the post interesting then any comments, questions, or tips (commercial clicks :-)) are greatly appreciated!
Until the next time; stay safe and prepare to slaughter Zombies!
All the best,

Sunday 13 October 2013

Big box of old lead - endless possibilities or just wasted money?

Hello all,

As I've painted all the zombies, survivors and the sons have completed the Heroquest figures (more or less), I have been forced into opening up the big box of unpainted (or poorly painted) lead.
I'll be delving into it over the next year (I think) and I'm actually looking forward to painting some of these old "friends" again.
Anyways, thought I would share a few pictures of the box and the first batch of figures destinied to have their paint stripped:

Old, Games, Workshop, Miniatures, strip, paint, remove

First lot for the paint stripper - 9 Deamonettes, a few Plaguebearers, Chaos Warriors and a large cloud giant.
If anyone knows which company made the giant and whether or not the Orc below him is a Games Workshop mini (I believe it is) I would appreciate the information.

Big, box, of unpainted, lead,

 Lots of nice minis in there, don't think there are any that are worth the hassle of Ebaying them, but they will be fun to paint.
This unfortunate Troll suffered a brutal knee injury as he was freed from his base - I wonder if it will regenerate on its own?

All the best,

Friday 11 October 2013

Orctober II - More Orcs for the cause

Hello all,
Orctober continues and we (the kids and I) have managed to paint a few more.
Here is another Heroquest orc painted by my son Birk (5):
Orc, Heroquest, kid, paint
This was actually the first one he painted, and I think it was the one which turned out the best - I gave some help with the morningstar and the base.

Birk - hard at work
And a Fimir, also from Heroquest, by my son Frej (9).

Fimir, Heroquest, paint, son,
Think this one turned out really well - easy to see the difference in their age; here most of the paint has gone where it should and the colour selection makes more sense. No eyes yet, but I guess that will be the next stage :-).

Frej hard at work!
I know a Fimir is not a greenskin, but in Heroquest they are clearly considered a close kin to the Orcs and Goblins and, well, it is green isn't it?

All the best,

Thursday 10 October 2013

Mystery solved - Dwarfs with Spears from Grenadier

Hello all,
Well, once again the collective mind of the internet came to my rescue. Mere moments after I had uploaded my "mystery dwarfs", Leif Eriksson came to my rescue.
It appears they were sculpted by Nick Lund, a talented and prolific sculptor, for use with Grenadier's Fantasy Warrior game system (never heard of it myself, but apparently it can be downloaded for free here:

Anyone know if the game was any good or what Nick Lund might be up to today?

Nick, Lund, Dwarf, Dwarfes, Dwarves, Grenadier, Fantasy, Warrior, mystery
Mystery Dwarfs no more - Nick Lund's Dwarfs with Spears
My three dwarfs can be seen on the Stuff of Legend page, listed as "Dwarves with spears" - Fantasy Warriors pack 931. I couldn't find much additional information on them, but the funny thing is they can still be bought - Mirliton sells them as "Dwarfes [sic] with spears" for "just" 8,16 euro. Thereare several other types of dwarfs from the same series on their page, well worth a look.

Thanks for the help, Leif!

Now if only I could remember how I came to own these I would be happy - but I am looking forward to painting them. Despite their age they are sculpts full of character and must be some of the first minis I ever owned.

All the best,

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Mystery Dwarfs - ID help, please!

Hello all,
As my sons have decided they want to paint more minis, I've had to delve deep into my box of old magic (it really is a box of magic - for some reason most of my old miniatures have ended up in a Warhammer 4th ed. magic box...). Amongst these I've found quite a few suitable miniatures for both the kids and myself to paint.
But amongst them were three old, very old, dwarfs that I have no recollection of buying nor which company may have produced them. Hence I would appreciate any hints as to their provenance.

Mystery, dwarf, old, miniature, 1987

Please excuse the paintjob - eyes were apparently not a priority twenty years ago :-). The dwarfs are actually quite nice sculpts - hefty and compact with nice beards - and spearwielding dwarfs are not the norm.

Mystery, dwarf, old, miniature, 1987

 There are a few markings on the bottom but wear and tear means it is quite difficult to make anything out. What I can see is that they are Copyrighted 1987 and the name seems to end in "dier" - Grenadier? Halberdier? I have no idea.

Mystery, dwarf, old, miniature, 1987

And from the back - we all know red is the best colour to paint any detail in.

So, any help identifying these chaps would be greatly appreciated!

All the best,

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Cats, Cats, Cats!

Hello all,
It seems my home has been infested by that viral disease known as "Cats". reading blogs on the internet from fellow bloggers it is apparent that this disease is widespread and seems impossible to fight. What is certain is that they do not help ones painting efforts, continually knock down paint and miniatures, and when ignored will start chewing on paintbrushes and drinking the paintdiluted water.
But they are so cute....
Cat, painting, miniatures, cute
A viral strain of the cat disease known as Tosca - a perpetual brushchewer

Cat, painting, miniatures, cute
And its sister - Ninja - who will casually knock over any unsupervised miniature to get your attention...

All the best,

Sunday 6 October 2013

Oldhammer: Heroquest Heroes Painted III

Hello all,
Well, no paint job of the mighty heroes from Heroquest would be complete without a happy group shot! More pictures of the Elf and Wizard can be found here and the Dwarf and Barbarian here.

Here the heroes have been timewarped and are beginning their homebound quest:

Heroquest, Heroes, Painted, Dwarf, Wizard, Barbarian, Elf, Oldhammer, group

Anyways, thanks for reading - if you found the post interesting then any comments or tips (commercial clicks :-)) are greatly appreciated!
Until the next time; stay safe and prepare to slaughter Zombies!
All the best,

Saturday 5 October 2013

Oldhammer: Heroquest Heroes Painted II

Hello all,
Following on from the, alledgedly, boring heroes (the Elf and the Wizard) here are my sons' favourite heroes: The Grumpy Dwarf and the Mighty Barbarian:

Dwarf, Heroquest, Painted

Barbarian, Heroquest, Painted

Again, these are nice and characterful, but share the lack of details on the sides that was apparent with the Elf and Wizard. Nonetheless they were great fun to paint!

Barbarian, Heroquest, Painted

Barbarian, Heroquest, Painted

Dwarf, Heroquest, Painted
Dwarf, Heroquest, Painted
Grumpy McGrumpy...

Anyways, thanks for reading - if you found the post interesting then any comments or tips (commercial clicks :-)) are greatly appreciated!
Until the next time; stay safe and prepare to slaughter Zombies!
All the best,

Thursday 3 October 2013

Orctober - The kids join the fun

Hello all,
My two sons and I had an enjoyable afternoon walking the nearby 'forest', coming home and playing a quick game of Heroquest. Then they both wished to paint some miniatures. This was the first time the youngest (just turned 5) has expressed such a wish, while the eldest (9) has tried it a few times.
This turned into a brilliant painting session where both had some great fun - and as they were painting greenskins they, upon hearing about "Orctober" pleaded to be part of it.

Birk, age 5

Frej, age 9
So here is the first orc for Orctober: Mr. Yellow, painted by Birk age 5:

Orc, Heroquest, Painted, kid
Mr. Yellow is quite proud of his pink chainmail.. must have been looted from an Elf?

I'm a pretty proud dad - sure, some areas arn't covered etc, but I think he shows great promise! The only thing I did was pour the paint, encourage and paint the base.

More Orcs (and a Fimir) to follow next friday.

All the best,

Wednesday 2 October 2013

True Oldhammer: Heroquest Heroes Painted

Hello all,
I've been following the interesting 'movement' of Oldhammer within the Warhammer player world. Quite fascinating and although I used to be very focused on tournaments this is an attitude towards the (once) wonderful world of warhammer that could entice me to get back into the fantasy scene.
But something I think has been sorely overlooked is the contribution to the scene that the brilliant game Heroquest made. Without this a large portion of gamers would never have gotten into Warhammer - at least as I see it.
At my house we've now played all the missions and have agreed to replay them seeing as the youngest is now old enough to partake (5). I took this an excuse to paint the heroes - most of the monsters have been painted already but for some reason I had left these for last. And as I had no more zombies they proved to be a fun little 'inbetween' paint job.
I'll begin by the two boring characters (according to my son): the Elf and the Wizard:

Elf, Heroquest, painted, hero

Wizard, Heroquest, painted, hero

 And please excuse the futuristic setting :-).

Now theya re fun minis but their age really show. When viewed from the side they have little detail and the remaining details are weird - the alien eyes of the Elf is a great example.

Elf, Heroquest, painted, hero

Wizard, Heroquest, painted, hero

Anyways I quite enjoyed painting them and I believe they will kick even more ass now they are painted (even though they are, as mentioned, the boring characters :-)).

The (true heroes) Dwarf and Barbarian will follow soon.

Anyways, thanks for reading - if you found the post interesting then any comments or tips (commercial clicks :-)) are greatly appreciated!
Until the next time; stay safe and prepare to slaughter Zombies!
All the best,

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