Thursday 26 December 2013

A (late) Merry Christmas!

Howdy folks,
Thought I had uploaded this a few days ago, but apparently not.

Santa, cat, Christmas
Tired from knocking miniatures over, our Santa-Cat takes a brief Christmas nap :-)
 Anyways, just wanted to wish you all a brilliant Christmas and all that!

All the best,

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Blood Bowl Daemonettes: The Fifty Shades of Purple (VI)

Hello all,
So a succesful defence Monday now means that I can put a "Dr." in front of my name, which is cool, but what is even more important is that I should now have time to finish the delightful and alluring Blood Bowl team, the Fifty Shades of Purple!
Now there are only a few minis left to paint and the team is looking pretty swell - nicely colourful and I am amazed at how perfect the old Games Workshop Daemonettes are suitable for a BloodBowl team.

Limbsuck, Warptongue, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

Todays charming ladies are mrs. Limbsuck & Fräu Warptongue. Again these names are brilliant, but one is a bit gruntled by the fact that Warptongue has no discernible tongue :-). She is actually one of the more individual of the daemonettes.

Limbsuck, Warptongue, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

Mrs. Limbsuck, another brilliant name, is a more typical daemonette although they are all very charming ladies. I do think they could have been a bit more "alluring" and a bit less "disturbingly alien".
Anyways - stay tuned for the last few dames and their big lady, and then it is time for a few group shots!

All the best,
(Dr.) Kasper :-)

Saturday 14 December 2013

Blood Bowl Daemonettes: The Fifty Shades of Purple (VI)

Hello all,
Two more of Games Workshops' old Daemonettes - this time the truly alien-like Lewdfang and the more 'normal' Heartvex:

Lewdfang, Heartvex, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

Lewdfang is the most weird of the daemonettes and quite unique among the Games Workshop early versions. I fail to see how she could in any way be considered Alluring, but she was fun to paint. As the only one armed with a sword she looks a bit non-blood bowl-ish, but I guess she snuck a blade with her to make sure of penetrating dwarven armour.

Lewdfang, Heartvex, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

Heartvex, on the other hand (or claw), is a more standard daemonette. But note her horse (ups, almost wrote hore's) leg and she starts to exude the weirdness and creativeness of Games Workshop as we knew and loved her.
Good, fun, interesting miniatures and a pleasure to paint.

All the best,

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Blood Bowl Daemonettes: The Fifty Shades of Purple (V)

Hello all,
Two more Daemonettes join the Shades - my "count as" Dark Elf Blood Bowl team, described here.
This time it is the lovely Lustspite and her best friend, Lewdbeast

Lustspite, Lewdbeast, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

Lustspite & Lewdbeast are both dressed in this season's "must-have" for any style-loving Daemonette - alluring turquoise leather stockings and bronze accessories.

Lustspite, Lewdbeast, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

What a lovely couple, despite the crappy photographing skills of the blog owner :-/.

Lustspite, Lewdbeast, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

All the best,

Monday 9 December 2013

Blood Bowl Daemonettes: The Fifty Shades of Purple (IV)

Hello all,

Two more of Games Workshop old and delicious Daemonettes join the Shades - my "count as" Dark Elf Blood Bowl team, described here.

Suckflesh, Fiendthrob, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

 Although the pictures are quite crappy, you can just make out the pj on mrs. Suckflesh and Fiendthrob.

Suckflesh, Fiendthrob, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

Suckflesh and Fiendthrob? There were some creative blokes at GW during the 90'ies!

Suckflesh, Fiendthrob, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

Suckflesh will serve as a blitzer while Fiendthrob will do duty as a linelf or a thrower.

Suckflesh, Fiendthrob, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

All the best,

Friday 6 December 2013

Easy bases for Blood Bowl

Hello all,
Some of you were curious as to how I make my bases for BloodBowl. Happy to oblige, I can reveal that I have, once again, found the simplest way possible to this...

My son has been attending courses in architecture for kids and, knowing that his dad is a sucker for anything and everything interesting, one day he brought home a few tattered remains of the sheets of grass the architects use for grass. This turned out to be perfect for basing 28mm miniatures - and makes the entire process incredible easy.

Step one.
Cut out appropriate circles of this wonder grass:

Blood, Bowl, Easy, bases, how to, Games, Workshop

Step two:
Glue these circles to the base. I use bases from Sally 4th with magnetic sheeting on one side. Cheap and easy to store afterwards.

Blood, Bowl, Easy, bases, how to, Games, Workshop

Step three:
Apply some details to the base - I've painted a thin white line to represent the chalk lines on the field and some splatters of blood here and there, using the wonderful Tamira blood.

Blood, Bowl, Easy, bases, how to, Games, Workshop

Step four:
Wait, there is no step four - the bases are already done! I do not think it can be done easier than this and the grass looks brilliant.
I've bought a large sheet of similar grass from a cheap Chinese store (through Aliexpress) and although a tad too bright the price is right (7$, including shipping).

Blood, Bowl, Easy, bases, how to, Games, Workshop

I hope some of you found this useful - let me know if there are any questions!

All the best,

Thursday 5 December 2013

Daemonette Painting Queue

Hello all,
Busy, busy, busy painting Daemonettes - they are great fun and I thought I would show the painting queue at the moment. I'm aiming at as many shades of purple/pink as possible, but still trying to paint a few at the same time - this has produced what resembles a production line of purpleness:

Painting, Daemonettes, Games Workshop

Painting, Daemonettes, Games Workshop

All the best,

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