Monday 30 September 2013

Bewitching Witch from the For-Ha kickstarter

Hello all,
Just as a follow-up from the previous post on the interesting kickstarter with a few well-sculpted miniatures from the world of For-Ha, this foxy witch has been posted.

Allegedly she will be resculpted a bit (she does need some type of purpose to be naked, I figure) but the face looks like it would be a pleasure to paint. It sure is an interesting kickstarter :-).
This appears to be the model for the witch - interesting to watch the sculptor's take on the model

All the best,

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Hardcore Action - A lesson to the street art fakers - and ponies

HEllo all,
This made me giggle so I thought I would share - well worth watching; you will be astonished!
Warning - explicit language and scary acts of art:

I wonder if this is tied to the Pewter ponies kickstarter in any way?

All the best,

Monday 23 September 2013

The babes of For-Ha...

Hello all,
I admit it, I'm addicted to Kickstarter. Each time a new miniature company suggests something I really have to keep myself from grabbing a few to paint later.
This time, however, I was not able to stop myself and had to get at least one, and will probably get more as time passes. The reason is that these seem very well-sculpted, cheap, and are of women with little clothes on. And I really need to practice painting skin. Yes, that is the reason and I'm sticking to it...

Anyways, check out the miniatures here and admire the great sculpting here:

For-ha, sculpting, miniature, babe, kickstarter

 The model (above) and the final product below (must be a tough job being a miniature sculptor!)...

For-ha, sculpting, miniature, babe, kickstarter

 And a model of future 'Witch':

Another reason is that this company seems to have reached the next natural level for any future kickstarter - i.e. they wish to actively cooperate with bloggers. This seems a brilliant idea and I am really curious as to how this new aspect will evolve. Considering we all get msot of our miniature related news from blogs this makes really good sense to use bloggers as part of a 'viral marketing' system.

All the best,

Thursday 19 September 2013

Amazing luck - Laughing Ferret, Blood Bowl, and weird coincidences


Now I've had some brilliant luck recently - mainly revealed by me winning the give-away held by the talented Laughing Ferret. This meant I won this pretty boy:

Blood Bowl, Dwarf, judge, painted
Picture property of Laughing Ferret

The reason for me choosing this Blood bowl judge (apart from getting a pretty painted mini) was that my oldest son (age 9) has been talking about trying his hand at Blood Bowl. I've played Zombicide and similar games with him, but have felt les certain about Blood Bowl. The reasons being that the rules for this game are actually quite complicated (especially if you come from a culture without any references to American Football. The other reason is that I do not own a copy of Blood Bowl.

But this Monday we decided the time had come and I set about printing a pitch, dugouts, rules, and other interesting stuff. This makes it possible to set up a game and give it a few tests (good link here to some nice free pitches and here to rules, etc.).

Now the primary thing that is really difficult to print out is the dice needed for the game - the blocking dice.

Blood bowl, homemade, DIY, Blocking dice
Home made blocking dice
And now comes an example of amazing coincidences; the very same day where my son and I had painted some old dice to represent blocking dice and had agreed to try a short game that evening, a parcel arrives. And lo and behold, in it was the dwarf judge and three blocking dice which I had completely forgotten would be part of the prize. The very same day! From the other side of the planet.
That is just mindboggling.

Blood Bowl, Dice, NAF, Blue
Mindboggling dice - and pretty ones as well!

Anyways, this meant that we could get started - I brought out my big box of forgotten miniatures:

Blood bowl, old miniatures, orc, dwarf

 There are some cool stuff in that box - really old, badly painted, GW minis and other weird stuff

And we both choose a team - he went for dwarfs (crap, I hate that team), so I choose Orcs in order to get some simple scrimmage going, and none of the more complicated passing games I normally prefer.

And we had a great time:
Blood bowl, orc, dwarf
Well, we had a great time most of the time - not when ones favourite dwarf suffers an injury :-)

Blood Bowl is one of the best games ever to have been produced by Games Workshop, hell by any company. I really love it, and even though he only scratched the surface of the game, my son fell in love with it (he also badly hurt several of my orcs, which may have assisted his love of the carnage brought about by Blood Bowl).

So, thanks to Laughing Ferret for posting the parcel when he did and thanks to Games Workshop for producing such a brilliant game.

Anyways, thanks for reading - if you found the post interesting then any comments or tips are greatly appreciated!
Until the next time; stay safe and prepare to slaughter dwarfs!

All the best,

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Now *that* is an Ogre!

Howdy folks,
Just saw this new miniature from Kromlech Minatures:

Kromlech, ogre, kingdoms, miniature, Great Devourer, alternative

I must admit to always ahving been curious about the Ogre armies of modern GW times but the miniatures have been a bit on the weird side for me. But this guy? I would love an army of ogres looking like this chap - nasty, chaotic, and ready to rip your entire village to bits!

The chap above is even called the "great devourer" :-).

Well done, Kromlech. Almost (almost) enough to get my money :-).

All the best,

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