Friday 29 November 2013

Last few daemonettes and a Big Guy for the Fifty Shades of Purple

Hello all,
Managed to get a few daemonettes for cheap on the dreadful Ebay. I'm missing only one now - so if you do have a spare of the one known as "Gristlewhip" I would be happy to purchase it from you...

Daemonettes, Demonette, Fiend of, Slaanesh, demon, Games Workshop, ebay, blood bowl

Also managed to get a cheap Fiend of Slaanesh - perhaps the most chaotic thing ever produced by Games Workshop. I actually had to look it up online to figure out how to put its pieces together. Great fun!
She, he, it, whatever, will be used as a "big guy" for the Blood Bowl team until I can find something better.

Daemonettes, Demonette, Fiend of, Slaanesh, demon, Games Workshop, ebay, blood bowl

After a wee bit of green stuff it was ready to paint - I've always wanted to paint one of these, but didn't have the money to buy one when they were first released.

Daemonettes, Demonette, Fiend of, Slaanesh, demon, Games Workshop, ebay, blood bowl

Would have preferred the one with a scorpion tail, but this ones sinister daemonic tail-face has grown on me.

Daemonettes, Demonette, Fiend of, Slaanesh, demon, Games Workshop, ebay, blood bowl

It has snuck into the painting queue and is almost finished alread - despite arriving yesterday in the mail :-).

All the best,

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Blood Bowl Daemonettes: The Fifty Shades of Purple (III)

Hello all,
The first group shot of the 'babes', the rockhard Daemonettes who have brought a whole new level of alluring and enticing gameplay to the fair game of Blood Bowl:

Heartvex, Lipspittle, Lewdbeast, Sinwhip, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

Heartvex, Lipspittle, Lewdbeast, and Sinwhip - what lovely names! - in their various shades of purple.

Heartvex, Lipspittle, Lewdbeast, Sinwhip, Daemonette, Demonette, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

The majority of the rest of the team have been painted and are just waiting for some fair weather to be photographed in. I hope someone, anyone?, out there likes these daemonic blood bowlers - I'm quite satified with how they turned out but a lot of the blending disappears in these shots.

All the best,

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Blood Bowl Daemonettes: The Fifty Shades of Purple (II)

Hello all,
Two more Daemonettes join the Shades - my "count as" Dark Elf Blood Bowl team, described here.

Lipspittle, Lewdbeast, Daemonette, Demonette, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

Lipspittle - the slightly alien like daemonette (not sure how "alluring" I find her...) will count as a thrower or catcher, depending on team. Lewdbeast - sporting a typical Games Workshop 1980s mohawk - will be the first of my Witch Elves or Blitzers depending on what I need to field.

Lipspittle, Lewdbeast, Daemonette, Demonette, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

Lipspittle and Lewdbeast - you gotta love those names. As with the previous members of this team each have been painted in its own shade of purple / pink (although these two appear almost identical due my crappy camera skills). They were a pleasure to paint now that I've managed to figure out a quicker way and have settled on the colours.

All the best,

Wednesday 20 November 2013

BloodBowl Daemonettes: The Fifty Shades of Purple (I)

Hello all,
As I related some time ago, my son discovered the joy of Bloodbowl a few months ago and as I've always considered it one of the best boardgames ever made I was eager to get into it again. We began with some simple and easy "bashing" teams (Orcs and Dwarfs) just to get familiar with the rules, but I've always had a thing for the more daring teams of Skaven and Dark Elves. Back when I used to play in competitions the Skaven would always be my favourite team, but in the recent Blood Bowl computer game I would generally play as Dark Elves - great team that can do the impossible at times but can also deal out some damage. Unfortunately, the minis for Dark Elves suck. Both Games Workshop and the more recent bloodbowl producing miniature companies have never really made a team that represents how I've envisioned the dastardly elves.
So while I wanted a Dark Elf team I had no models in mind. Until, that is, I rediscovered my old box of unused and forgotten miniatures (as described here). Now, amongst the treasures was nine of the old Daemonettes of Slaanesh - and it struck me that these would be perfect for at Dark Elf team. And so the hitherto unknown Fifty Shades of Purple was born. 
I've since discovered that pink and purple are difficult colours to paint, shade, and blend and the first few minis took way longer than they should have. 
But, nonetheless, it is with great pride that I can now present the first two Daemonettes, Heartvex and Sinwhip:

Heartvex, Sinwhip, Daemonette, Demonette, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

Both have been fun to paint (although time consuming as I had to develop a paint scheme quite different from my usual colours) as the miniatures are simply great. Well, not the sculpt in all parts, but they are, as most of the old miniatures, full of character.

These will, initially count as simple Dark Elf Linemen but I hope the team, once finished, will be able to stand in for most of the "light" teams, i.e. Humans, Amazons, other pansy Elves, etc. 

Heartvex, Sinwhip, Daemonette, Demonette, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

I've since completed (almost) the entire range of Daemonettes (well there is only thirteen of them) and will post on the history of the Daemonette models from Games Workshop soon, but for this team the "normal" daemonettes will be lineelfs, the ones with hair will serve as Witch Elves, and the more spooky and alien like Daemonettes will be throwers. Should be fun :-).
The rest of the finished models will be up soon(ish).

Heartvex, Sinwhip, Daemonette, Demonette, Games Workshop, Blood Bowl, Bloodbowl, painted, Dark Elf, Elves, fifty shades, purple, alluring

The two alluring ladies, Heartvex and Sinwhip, both really hope you like their new colours - otherwise they might pay you a disturbing visit soon!

All the best,

Sunday 17 November 2013

My dissertation was accepted for defence!

Hello all,
I know I've often complained about work and how it has delayed the much more important aspect of life (painting miniatures), and some of you have been kind enough to ask and lament along with me but today I finally got word that my dissertation has been approved for defence and with the following (for the scholarly world) praise:
The work undoubtedly represents a significant advancement of our understanding of the figure, leading international research on this complex and multifaceted tradition in a new promising direction. The assessment of the work in general is positive, and the committee is in no doubt that the work is well qualified for being accepted for defence."

I am pretty darn happy - seems the professors did not consider my four years of hard labour completely wasted :-).
Just wanted to share the news with you and explain how and why there might be a lot more painted figures and battle reports coming shortly :-)
All the best,

Thursday 14 November 2013

Wuhuu: 100.000 hits and 300 posts!

Hello all,
Unbeknownst to me, this old blog turned a significant corner a few days ago: 100.000 hits and more than 300 posts. I would thus like to thank you all for stopping by, following and commenting on my random musings.
What began as a place to remember our Warmaster Historical battles has turned into a weird mixture of 10mm Warmaster, 28mm Zombicide and more or less random posts on Blood Bowl, Heroquest and Girls in Mail Bikinies (always a crowd favourite :-)). I'm glad that so many have taken the time to read these half thought out ideas and thoughts.

As my two kittens (Tosca and Ninja) so eloquently puts it, I'm really happy to have discovered the great blogosphere and its marvelous resources but also to have a place to "immortalize" our games and my average paintjobs - and without your comments and visits it would have died out a long time ago - so, once again, thanks for visiting!

In the very near future I'll be showing the first finished members of my new Daemonette Blood Bowl team (which will serve as a Count-As team for Amazons, Humans, Chaos, etc.) - expect great purpleness with pinkish overtones :-).

Until then, thanks!

All the best,

Saturday 9 November 2013

Little Lunatic: Goblin Fanatic

Hello all,
One of the oldish models I found in my forgotten box of minis was this sweet little Goblin Fanatic. How could anyone resist painting such an adoring face?

Blood bowl, Games Workshop, Old, Goblin, Fanatic

Still a great sculpt and it was very fun to paint - a quick paintjob and he is ready for the Blood Bowl pitch.

Blood bowl, Games Workshop, Old, Goblin, Fanatic
Didn't want him too dark, and thus resisted the classic Night Goblin paint scheme.

All the best,

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Old One-Arm - Mr. Mummy a Blood Bowl player extraordinaire

Hello all,

Well, it was a fun paint job - the old Games Workshop mummy that had lost an arm and a leg. The boot made out of play-doh and instant glue turned out all right (even though it broke apart when I transferred him to a new base).

Blood, Bowl, Games, Workshop, Mummy,

Even though I still havn't figured out what I'm going to do about his missing arm he still looks pretty imposing :-).

Blood, Bowl, Games, Workshop, Mummy,

Great sculpt and another player is ready for the Blood Bowl pitch!

Blood, Bowl, Games, Workshop, Mummy,

All the best,

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