Wednesday 28 April 2010

Scottish Pikemen of the 100 Years War - 10mm Kallistra Miniatures

Hello all!
Another unit done - this time from Kallistra and their 100 Years War line. These are Scottish Pikemen, and I really like the way they are split between aggressive stances and passive. 
Again great Kallistra 10mm (or rather 12mm) models that are full of character. Especially when in column this unit looks very impressive - at least I think so :-).
The paintjob is so-so - I can see I will have to get back to these and add some more detail to the shields etc. 
Anyways enjoy and click to enlarge the buggers :-):

Coming up in the near future will be a battle report featuring 2000p of Yorkian troops against a combined Carthagian and Teutonic Order army (Very anachronistic .-)) as well as some new hills I finally got around to finishing.

Best regards,

Friday 23 April 2010

Warmaster Ancients and Medieval - 10mm Infantry Units

Hello all!
This is the (as yet very unfinished) main page for my painted infantry units - a register of brand, type and what they are normally used as. Also, of course, they will be accompanied by a photo taken in my "photostudio". All pictures are of course clickable which allows viewing them in larger sizes :-).

This is the "family shot" of the army last time it was out in all its glory - many of the units below were (re-)painted after this though:
Medieval Infantry / Heavy Infantry

Brand: Kallistra
Other Information: Brilliant minis and a pleasure to paint. As always with Kallistra they are probably closer to 12mm than 10mm but they have a ton of detail and plenty of poses so are a pleasure to paint. They form the central unit in my crusading army, with their distinct crosses they serve as a pleasant fokus point of the army.

Brand: Games Workshop
Type: Empire Halberdiers
Other Information: They look great on the battlefield but are a boring nightmare to paint. Definately not the best of Games Workshops 10mm range but they do look imposing once fielded.

Brand: Kallistra Miniatures
Type: Continental Pikemen from the War of the Roses
Other Information: Not the best from Kallistra but they do look imposing (especially when their pikes are not bent in all directions...)

Brand: Kallistra Miniatures
Type: Scottish Pikemen from the 100 Years War
Other Information: Very nice pikemen from Kallistra - modelled in three stances - passive, aggressive and one in between giving a very dioramic finished unit. Highly recommended - and their pikes are small enough not to bend every second.

Ancient Infantry / Light Infantry

Brand: Steve Barber Miniatures
Type: German Warband
Other Information: One of my favourite warbands. The minis are brilliant although a bit on the tiny side and a bit brittle at the legs.

Brand: Magister Militum Miniatures
Type: Gothic Infantry and Goth Skirmishers
Other Information: Used as any kind of warband-type infantry. A bit boring minis but I am happy how they turned out in the end. These were bought on Ebay and the leader is from some other product line.

Brand: Pendraken
Type: Late Roman, Unarmoured, standing, spear
Other Information: The shields have transfers from Little Big Men.

Brand: Magister Militum Miniatures
Type: Early Sarmatian Infantry (and viking commanders)
Other Information: Used as any kind of warband-type infantry. A bit boring minis (two poses) but I am satisfied with how they turned out in the end. These were bought on Ebay and the command group are from their viking line.

Medieval Ranged Infantry / Crossbows and Handgunners
Brand: Games Workshop
Type: Empire Handgunners
Other Information: Used as any type of missile units. Great minis with a ton of detail and plenty of poses.

Brand: Magister Militum
Type: LME005 14/15th Century Crossbowmen with Pavisse
Other Information: Quick and easy to paint and look great on the field. Few details and only one pose.

Brand: Magister Militum
Type: LME005 14/15th Century Crossbowmen with Pavisse
Other Information: Quick and easy to paint and look great on the field. Few details and only one pose.

Ancient Ranged Infantry / Archers


Brand: Games Workshop
Type: Empire Handgunners
Other Information: Used most often as skirmishing infantry due the commando-like bases. These were my first conversions and attempt at building more diorama like bases in 10mm. The commanders pegleg is a toothpick while the snake is the tail of a 28mm plastic Skaven. Very fantasy like bases but they do add a bit of charater to the skirmishing line.

Brand: Games Workshop
Type: Empire Flagellants
Other Information: Used as either skirmishing infantry or a warband of the more mad type - that will always try to charge if possible.

Brand: Eureka Miniatures
Type: Halfling Militia
Other Information: Used as Skirmishing Infantry due to their tiny size (propably more 6mm than 10mm). This is the more combat orientated Militia unit - the pack from Eureka contains 30 minis both with hand-to-hand weapons and bows. I used these to make two different units, one with msot of the bows and one with a more close fighting focus.

Brand: Eureka Miniatures
Type: Halfling Militia
Other Information: Used as Skirmishing Infantry due to their tiny size (propably more 6mm than 10mm). This is the "ranged" part of the figure pack.

Best regard,

Other Information:

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