Wednesday 12 January 2011

Celtic Chariot Spokes

Hmm, in the great chariot dispute of 2011 the question of how spokes in ancient British/Celtic times has surfaced and I found the picture below which might show this. It is from a reputed book so I hope it is accurate. I do like the intricate golden work done on the spoke. The chariot itself looks plain weird - much more like someone stole the local baker's cart and went for a joyride...:

Probably more detailed than I could do on the small Pendraken Chariots I bought from Ebay but it does provide an excuse to use a different colour than brown for the spoke...

Tuesday 4 January 2011

More Ebay

Hello all,
been a bit quite during december as I couldnt keep up with work anf family demanding too much time. I did manage to spend some more money on ebay (I have decided that these will be the last purchase in a long time - I have more lead than I could paint in a year).
These are more infantry units (which I always seem to need) with nice detail and variation which for me equals painting fun.

10mm Pendraken Ancient British Chariots x 1 Pack. (310253725213#)

The first batch was10mm Magister Militum Viking Bondi:

10mm Mediaeval H.Inf - I think these are Magister as well?

And two packs of 10mm Pendraken Ancient British Chariots- just because I have never painted any chariots :-). I am still not a fan of Pendraken but at least the horses look fine here.
All that (five packs) for 12 pounds, including shipping to Denmark! How am I supposed to avoid buying from Ebay???

Guess thats it - happy new year and all that,
Best regards,

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