Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Beastie Boys - The Beastial parts of a Slaaneshi Warband

Hello all,
So my Slaaneshi warband seems to consist of two parties - the greenskins (featured here) and the more perverted animalistic party. This consists of Akward, the minotaur, and his two beastmen followers - twisted into a arachnid/spider bodies.

I've still to actually roll some dice to create this warband - more a case of painting what I feel like - but I think it could be fun to reverse engineer the group and see what they actually represent. I guess these two beatmen could also work as centaurs?

And the green brigade:

Not the most impressive warband so far, but already too large to fit in one photo :-).

More beastmen coming soon(ish).

All the best,

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Old Runequest Miniatures: Scorpion Men (Beastmen conversions)

Hello all,
Along with the old Runequest Dragonnewts (pictured here), I also got some fun looking Scorpion men. I initially bought them because I thought they were variants of the old "Runequest Box 4: Beast Men - Scorpion Man with Club". 
Unfortunately, they were not and are two pretty crappy conversions, or rather destructions of the originals - the clubs ares gone, shields have been inexpertly added, and bothhave received (even more inexpertly) a new beastman head. 
I've been working on them with green stuff to hide most of the old conversion and have added a little something special to them to make them more Slaaneshi - I think they have, under the circumstances, turned out just fine :-):

Runequest, Beast, man, Scorpion, man, conversion, oop, painted,
Mr. Scorpion Man #1
The distinct claws were bought - after much searching - from an online bitz-shop.

Runequest, Beast, man, Scorpion, man, conversion, oop, painted,
Mr. Scorpion Man #1
The purple should tie them in with the Slaaneshi warband nicely, but I guess that the browns could have used a bit more variation.

Runequest, Beast, man, Scorpion, man, conversion, oop, painted,
Mr. Scorpion Man #1

The original scorpion men looks like this:

 (picture from

The beastman head used for Mr. Scorpion Man #2 (below) may have been a skeletal head originally - not sure. If anyone can identify where these heads originate I would appreciate the information.

Runequest, Beast, man, Scorpion, man, conversion, oop, painted,
Mr. Scorpion Man #2
I've left this scorpio's shield blank until inspiration strike me for a motif.

Runequest, Beast, man, Scorpion, man, conversion, oop, painted,
Mr. Scorpion Man #2
Considering the circumstances I think they look effective, and - if you don't look too closely - they look nice :-).

All the best,

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Bum Fuzzle and his Confusables - Greenskin Slaaneshi Warband

Hello all,
Time to give an update on the greener parts of the Slaaneshi warband I've been painting over the last month.
If for no other reason, then because they look like a happy familyu in this group photo:

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, gigblad, Childsplatter, oop, old, Snurd, Hideflayer, Urag, Legeater, Torg, Dwarfsmasher, Orc, Warhammer, OOP, Kev adams, Boar rider, General, Citadel, 1988, 0505, Games Workshop, Celtos, Sabretooth, Amanthas

So the leader is the mighty orc champion Bum Fuzzle (more pictures of him here), a powerful Orc who for some reason has found himself in the service of Slaanesh. He has yet to fully graspthe differentiated nature of the Chaos gods but was told that a service to them would provide amble opportunity for slaughter. 
He is still waiting for the promised experience of a throne of skulls and rivers of blood and wanders around somewhat confused about why he needs to don purple armour but due to his fickle memory he keeps forgetting to seek employment elsewhere. Oh, and for a long time he also wished he had a boar to ride into battle on - Slaanesh, amused by the confused orc's thought,decided to bless him with a mighty steed:

The beast and orc were brought together in a chance meeting in the woods. Fuzzle's first thoughts were along the lines of how much wargear he could buy with the huge teeth on the Sabretooth. But the beast's vicious growlings made him pause and a slow sense of respect - something entirely new for the orc - grew. The two are now inseparable, hunting the wilderness killing and maiming everything they find, be it animals or sentient beings. Never before has the Orc been so close to happiness and his confusion has been momentarily forgotten. But Slaanesh is a fickle being and grows tired of the pleasure gained through the orc's rampagings  so life will probably bring new challenges for the warlord, and soon.

Bum Fuzzle's life has recently been complicated (and even more confused) by two new groups of followers. The first is the remnants of a goblin raiding party (more pictures of them here). The four goblins (Torg Dwarfsmasher, Snurd Hideflayer, Urag Legeater, and Gigblad Childsplatter) are what is left of a waargh that went entirely wrong. 
Their shaman got confused and led his chieftain to believe that they should head north into the chaos wastes instead of the lush, fat lands of the empire. 
One by one they were killed, maimed, and eaten by the inhabitants of the north (who were all quite happy to have small, bite-sized beings enter their domain) until the four unhappy goblins decided to leg it, and leg it fast. They kept running until they found an orc and have since refused to leave him out of sight, clinging to him for leadership and guidance in (what they have learnt) is a very, very scary world. Unfortunately for Bum Fuzzle that orc is him and he has since their arrival been utterly confused as to why they continue to shadow his every step and why he has not yet killed them - yet the voices in the back of his mind insists that he should let them live for now. 

The other followers are two more goblins. At least that is the conclusion Bum Fuzzle's addled brain has reached. Short, weak, and green equals goblins. And although the 'real' goblins keep jabbering something else, Fuzzle has lumped the two groups of smaller greenskins together.
Actually the two are young skinks. The last two to crawl out of the spawning pond, the rest of the lizardmen had left by the time the two exited the waters. Left on their own, the two wandered aimlessly, confused about everything. Through some fluke - or the workings of Slaanesh - they went through one of the Lizardmens magical vortexes andstumbled upon Bum Fuzzle. As two addled chickens they have decided that he is their mother and have since followed him, scrabbling with the goblins for his attention.

This little warband thus so far consists of a brute of an orc on a tiger the size of a horse, continously trailed by a group of lesser green beings consistently arguing amongst themselves and adding to Bum Fuzzle's continous state of confusion.

If there ever was proof of Slaanesh's perverted senses this warband is surely it!

Oh well, better get back to painting some more followers to make dear mr. Fuzzle's life ever more confusing :-).

All the best,

Friday, 25 April 2014

Old Runequest Miniatures: Dragonnewts

Hello all,
Two miniatures that snuck into an ebay purchase have finally been painted. I had no idea what these two things were (nor how tiny they are) but figured they would be fun to paint and could be used as skinks or something similar.

Crested, Dragonewt, Javelin, Newtling, Sling, Runequest, oop, miniatures, lizardmen, skinks, dragonnewts
Dangerous Dragonnewts!

After some research it turns out they are both old Runequest Miniatures. They were sold in "Box 5" as a "Crested Dragonewt with Javelin" and a "Newtling with Sling".

Crested, Dragonewt, Javelin, Newtling, Sling, Runequest, oop, miniatures, lizardmen, skinks, dragonnewts
(Image from

After having seen the contents of this box, I want - no, need! - the other newts. They would make very nice lizard-beatmen!

Close ups of the painted newts:

Crested, Dragonewt, Javelin, Newtling, Sling, Runequest, oop, miniatures, lizardmen, skinks, dragonnewts
Crested Dragonewt with Javelin

Crested, Dragonewt, Javelin, Newtling, Sling, Runequest, oop, miniatures, lizardmen, skinks, dragonnewts
Crested Dragonewt with Javelin

I have no idea whether these were dangerous, but considering their size, I don't think that is likely :-). I did find a very nice writeup of the life of a Newt here: But whether this is 'official' Runequest lore or not, I'm not entirely certain.

Crested, Dragonewt, Javelin, Newtling, Sling, Runequest, oop, miniatures, lizardmen, skinks, dragonnewts
Newtling with Sling
I really like how individualised these two are, and how the armour and weapons are kept on a realistic scale.
They were both fun to paint, although quite a few details were missing or destroyed by previous owners - e.g. half the face of the sling-newt was more or less without any details.

Crested, Dragonewt, Javelin, Newtling, Sling, Runequest, oop, miniatures, lizardmen, skinks, dragonnewts
Newtling with Sling
I went with a slightly purplish colour scheme to make them usable for my Slaaneshi warband, although it may be difficult to conjure up a plausible reason for two skinks entering the service of the confused orc champion, or the Slaaneshi pleasure God...

Crested, Dragonewt, Javelin, Newtling, Sling, Runequest, oop, miniatures, lizardmen, skinks, dragonnewts
They do look sneaky, don't they?
Next up will be a group photo of the Orc, Goblins, and these two - the beginnings of a mighty force...

All the best,

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Citadel Speciality Set 4 - Goblin Raiding Party

Hello all,
So, what is it with these old Citadel miniatures? How can they be so fun to paint, even though the sculpting is not always perfect, nor do they have the fluid poses of many new miniatures? To hazard a guess I think it is a combination of little pressure (as in you didn't just pay 12£ each in a GW store) and the 'realistic' take on the minis - i.e. they do not have piles of giant skulls all over the place nor do they have swords the size of cities.

The sweet goblins from Citadel's Speciality Set 4 (the Goblin Raiding Party) is a great example of this:

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, gigblad, Childsplatter, oop, old, Snurd, Hideflayer, Urag, Legeater, Torg, Dwarfsmasher
Let's go raiding!

Realistic goblins, with weapons of a suitable size and actual armour and equipment. they do look like raiders and they each look like they have a history. Oh, and the fact that they are named also gives them plenty of character.
So, it was with great pleasure that I painted these four gobbos and I'm definitely searching the market for the rest of the raiding party!
Each of the four miniatures are oozing character:

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, gigblad, Childsplatter, oop, old, Snurd, Hideflayer, Urag, Legeater, Torg, Dwarfsmasher

Torg Dwarfsmasher

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, gigblad, Childsplatter, oop, old, Snurd, Hideflayer, Urag, Legeater, Torg, Dwarfsmasher

Urag Legeater

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, gigblad, Childsplatter, oop, old, Snurd, Hideflayer, Urag, Legeater, Torg, Dwarfsmasher

Gigblad Childsplatter

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, gigblad, Childsplatter, oop, old, Snurd, Hideflayer, Urag, Legeater, Torg, Dwarfsmasher

Snurd Hideflayer

And together they form a very nice - if small - force of goblin raiders, from the time before huge WAAAARghs were the only thin greenskins did.

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, gigblad, Childsplatter, oop, old, Snurd, Hideflayer, Urag, Legeater, Torg, Dwarfsmasher
Dem' be Pro'er Gobbo Shieldz!

Anyways, they will be joining the Slaaneshi warband, as confused as to why they are there as their Orc Champion.

All the best,

Friday, 18 April 2014

Gigblad Childsplatter - Citadel Speciality Set 4 - Goblin Raiding Party

Hello all,
The last of my four goblins that I accidentally bought on Ebay. This time it is Gigblad Childsplatter:

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, gigblad, Childsplatter, oop, old

He was the one I fell in love with and the reason I bought these goblins in the first place. His confused look is just perfect (especially as my Slaaneshi warband seem to focus on confused followers of the God) and I couldn't wait to paint him. He is one of those miniatures that just jump in front of the painting queue and demands to get some attention.

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, gigblad, Childsplatter, oop, old

The smallest of the bunch, he is armed with a nasty flail - something that definitely could make a child go splat (sorry).

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, gigblad, Childsplatter, oop, old

And with that the Goblin Raiding Party is done - until I find the rest of its members.

All the best,

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Snurd Hideflayer - Citadel Speciality Set 4 - Goblin Raiding Party

Hello all,
Another of the quartet from the Citadel Speciality Set 4 (Goblin Raiding Party) painted - this time it is Discipline Master, also known as Snurd Hideflayer. This time the name makes sense as he is armed with a vicious club and a long whip, quite able to flay some flesh.

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Snurd, Hideflayer,, oop, old

Another fun paintjob, and perhaps the most corpulent goblin I've ever painted (not that I have paitned that many gobbos). He does look the part of a slaver, eating half the slaves' rations.

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Snurd, Hideflayer,, oop, old

Again, these minis are quick to paint and provide great fun while doing so. I do need to find the last members of the raiding party.

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Snurd, Hideflayer,, oop, old

Next up is the last goblin - Gigblad Childsplatter. Not the brightest of the bunch but certainly the best named goblin.

All the best,

Monday, 14 April 2014

Urag Legeater - Citadel Speciality Set 4 - Goblin Raiding Party

Hello all,
Next up (the champion can be seen here) from the old Games Workshop / Citadel Goblin Raiding Party set is Urag Legeater. Apparently a 'normal' goblin the only description mr. Legeater gets is that he is "attacking with Warpick":

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Urag, Legeater, oop, old

A fine miniature - and I've always liked warpicks. A brutal weapon, suitable for armoured opponents as well as unarmed. I do wonder how he came to be called "Legeater" - would be fun if one of the other goblins from the set had a wooden leg...

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Urag, Legeater, oop, old

As mentioned before, I wanted these to look more or less uniformed and thus the only bit of colour on this guy - the blue tassel - matches his leaders surcoat. Apart from that he primarily green and metal.

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Urag, Legeater, oop, old

The original add pictures wherein Urag can be found in the top row.

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Urag, Legeater, oop, old

All in all not a bad little goblin - and I really enjoyed painting the little guy :-).

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Urag, Legeater, oop, old

Next up is Snurd Hideflayer (Discipline Master, with whip) - another great name but a weirder goblin-sculpt than the others.

All the best,

Friday, 11 April 2014

Torg Dwarfsmasher - Citadel Speciality Set 4 - Goblin Raiding Party

Hello all,
So as mentioned recently, I "accidentally" bought some more lead for the lead mountain. i blame it on the whole "Oldhammer"-influence, but in honesty I just enjoy these old sculpts so much. They are filled to the brim with character and although I have absolutely no use for them they are fun to paint. And they have brilliant names as well. I mean, how can you not paint a goblin named Torg Dwarfsmasher?

So the first goblin painted from the old Citadel Speciality set number 4, the scary Goblin Raiding Party, is the Goblin Champion called Torg Dwarfsmasher:

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Torg, Dwarfsmasher, oop, old

The raiding party in the original advert can be seen here (image from Stuff of legends), with Torg in the bottom left corner:

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Torg, Dwarfsmasher, oop, old

Not sure how many dwarfs he could actually smash - a few I guess, if they were drunk - but he does look the business. Armed with a nasty mace, sword, light armour, and a shield he is the champion of the bunch and looks like he could boss his goblinoid kin around.

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Torg, Dwarfsmasher, oop, old

A fine sculpt, no obvious mistakes and with quite a few details made this a fun paint. It has been a while since I last painted a goblin but I think I found a workable green colour for him.

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Torg, Dwarfsmasher, oop, old

The only thing about this Raiding Party that I'm not completely sold on are the shields. They are fairly basic, but I figured I would use black/white combo to make them seem more like a unit.

Citadel, Games Workshop, Speciality set, Goblin, raiding, party, Torg, Dwarfsmasher, oop, old

So with Torg, our Orc General, has finally found his first follower with a colourization that he can agree with :-).
Stay tuned for the rest of the goblinoid 'waargh'.

All the best,

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

My son sculpted a mini! And some Heroquest action shots

Hello all,
My son is the best.
And I don't just say that because I'm totally biased, no he paints miniatures quite well and having watched him sculpting Slaaneshi claws using blue-tac, I figured I would let him play around with some Miliput. And although this won't win him a Crystal Brush for sculpting, I do think his chaotic, mutated, beastman is a pretty great first attempt:

I guess we should call him Giraffe-man, and I don't think I've ever seen a Broo with that animal as the beastial part, so an unique sculpt :-):

I'm quite proud of him, and he has kindly let me paint the beastman and I'm looking forward to it. He enjoyed the experience and can't wait to try it again - he has also gotten a new-found respect for all those talented sculptors out there = mission accomplished :-).

We also - at the urging of my youngest son (5) - got to play some Heroquest.

Now the youngest enjoys this very much and plays a Barbarian wearing the Helmet and the Shield, making him an invincible killing machine who can do whatever he likes - hence my sons love of the game :-).

My wife's Elf and the oldest sons' Dwarf were less lucky and were killed by the evil magician who I decided could cast a fireball each turn and summon Zombies.

Not entirely fair, but all had a good time :-).

All the best,

Monday, 7 April 2014

Ebay Addiction: Goblin Raiding Party (I-really-shouldn't-buy-more-lead...)

Hello all,
Apparently I bought some more minis on Ebay. This is the second to last batch and then I've got to stay away from that evil site. It seems every time I pop in, somehow someone buys minis and sends the bill to me. Luckily I also get the minis, but still.
But how am one to not buy pretty old minis like these? And so cheap?
This time the damage was limited to a few adorable Goblins:

These mighty (?) goblins are members of the old Citadel "Speciality Set 4 - Goblin Raiding Party". They answer to the brilliant names of Torg Dwarfsmasher (Goblin Champion), Snurd Hideflayer (Discipline Master, with whip), Urag Legeater (attacking with Warpick), and (my favourite) Gigblad Childsplatter (with Morningstar). 

Speciality Set, 4, Goblin Raiding Party, Torg Dwarfsmasher, Snurd Hideflayer, Urag Legeater, Gigblad Childsplatter, citadel, oop

Brilliant names - Childsplatter, not sure that would be allowed today - and brilliant characters.
I must say I find a strange satisfaction painting minis that are some thirty years old and which have never received a proper paint job. And these have so much character that I can't wait to get painting them!

All the best,

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