Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Return to 10mm - God's Own Scale - Kallistra 100YW Men-at-Arms & Longbowmen

Hello all,
Some of you - especially those who have found this blog recently through the wonderful Oldhammer 'movement' - may have wondered why the blog is called "Warmaster". Well, the reason is that it begun as a place to chronicle our games of Warmaster. If you don't know about this game then it is one of the best things produced by Games Workshop. Well, GW didn't really appear to like it, but it was the child of Rick Priestly and I guess they had to go along with at least some of his ideas.
Warmaster is a game designed for 10mm and massive armies - it looks amazing and the rules are few and well-thought out. Definitely one of my favourite rulesets.
If you go back to the beginnings of this blog you will find a ton of posts on painting 10mm miniatures, something I really enjoy but havn't done for a long time. The reason being that my army was done and once that hurdle was crossed I felt like painting something else - hence the Daemonettes, Beastmen and various other endeavours.
A good friend and a member of our gaming group has been complaining about never getting around to painting his army. And as I felt like painting 10mm again-a very speciel thing to do, they are absolutely tiny- I decided to paint a few of his units. The troops below are the results - and sorry for the annoying blemish in the middle of the pictures but I didn't notice this until it was too late and the troops were out of the door.

Warmaster, Ancient, Medieval, Games, Workshop, Kallistra, 100YW, Hundred Years War, Men-at-Arms, Longbowmen, Painted

It felt great painting the little buggers again and I was pleased with the result considering how long it has been since I delved into 'God's Own Scale'.

Warmaster, Ancient, Medieval, Games, Workshop, Kallistra, 100YW, Hundred Years War, Men-at-Arms, Longbowmen, Painted

The minis are produced by Kallistra and are part of their 100 Year Wars series. The footmen are Men-At-Arms while the archers are Longbowmen.

Warmaster, Ancient, Medieval, Games, Workshop, Kallistra, 100YW, Hundred Years War, Men-at-Arms, Longbowmen, Painted

Here I've included Rocky Bullboar to give a sense of scale.

Now there are a few tips for painting minis this small and one is to use clear and bright colours. Unfortunately the owner wanted a specific colourscheme that accorded with his intention of having an army in the colours of Wales. Hence I had to paint these in a darker green than I would have preferred. Still, with the white and all the armour I think they still work.

The archers were painted in a few different colours in order to make them appear a bit less disciplined than the Men-at-Arms.

I really like the small command group and the banner gave me an opportunity to include a bit more Red to hint at the red dragon of Wales.

Must admit that I think blue and white is one of the best combinations for 10mm.

Warmaster, Ancient, Medieval, Games, Workshop, Kallistra, 100YW, Hundred Years War, Men-at-Arms, Longbowmen, Painted

Here is an 'Action-shot' of the two units in combined formation. Looks a lot better than the shiny, unpainted metal they blemished our battlefield as before.

There will probably be a few more units (mainly cavalry) posted in the next few weeks as I sate my lust for 10mm, but then I will probably return to 28mm, as it is so much easier to paint :-).

All the best,


  1. Nice work! I agree; Warmaster was one of the best games GW ever produced and it was treated like a poor step-child. I play it and I even mix in the ECW/TYW variant I found on the net. Our last game was a Dwarf-Elf alliance vs. a Kislivite-TYW Swede coalition. And It worked.
    As for the rules, you can see a Warmaster influence on the "Black Powder" rule -- also by Priestly.

    1. Hi Grenzer John! It really is a shame they didn't support the game better but I guess it didn't make the type of money they had hoped for.
      Sounds fun with the pseudo-fantasy/historic game - did you post pictures of it anywhere? The only blogs I can find related to you are primarily theology-related (which I found interesting as I teach theology (NT) at the University here :-)).
      All the best,


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